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Fast Lane with Sara Jayne

The Fast Lane with Sara Jayne Podcast and Blog is for all women managing the hectic pace of life, and our mission is to share stories, ideas and life lessons that can help add a little humor, motivation and support to your busy schedule.


Episode 37: Mom & Entrepreneur Amanda Bentow

podcast Jan 14, 2021

EP37_FLSJ: Homeschooling Without Overthinking the Process with Amanda Bentow 


On this episode of the Fast Lane with Sara Jayne podcast, Sara Jayne talks to Amanda Bentow about homeschooling, how to approach online marketing, building a personal brand, how distance learning differs from homeschooling, and the benefits of homeschooling. 


Episode Highlights: 

  • Sara Jayne introduces her guest Amanda Bentow. 
  • Amanda's background is in network marketing and business.  
  • Amanda discusses Bible readings in the morning with her kids before starting the homeschooling education process with them. 
  • What kinds of field trips has she gone on with her children?  
  • She has been following the curriculum for math and language arts. 
  • How does distance learning differ from homeschooling?  
  • What is the best part of homeschooling? 
  • What does Amanda say to the myth that homeschool kids and moms are "weird?"  
  • How has her...
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Why all the stuff?!

blog Jan 03, 2021

Why? Why in the world do we accumulate so much stuff?! Today I was done with stuff. There is stuff everywhere in my house. And I could go through every single room and find broken toys, random batteries, dishes, random papers, canned goods, nerf bullets, art projects. I COULD NOT TAKE IT ANY LONGER. Let's all be reminded that I have a three year old and that is how I can explain the canned goods and the dishes, because he 'cooks' a lot. I actually found it embarrassing. I can see how it happens though. Every holiday, birthday, fair, something gets brought home. Nothing gets taken out. So we just keep piling it in. The funny thing is, it doesn't matter how big or small your home is. If you have a bigger house, you will just find a way to fill it up. Law of the vacuum. I find stuff exhausting. Because it is everywhere and you always have to clean. Something always has to be put away. Something is always on the floor. So I am always reminding my  kids to "put that away!"...

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Episode 36: Investigating True Crime with M. William PhelpsĀ 

podcast Dec 31, 2020

On this episode of the Fast Lane with Sara Jayne podcast, Sara Jayne talks to M. William Phelps, famed true-crime writer, investigative journalist, and the host of the Paper Ghosts podcast on iHeartRadio. M. William Phelps talks about how he became a true-crime writer, formulating his podcast Paper Ghosts, and writing dozens of books. 

Episode Highlights: 

  • Sara Jayne introduces M. William Phelps, who explains how he got involved in true crime stories.
  • Is being an investive journalist make his relationships difficult? 
  • How difficult is objectivity in his line of work?  
  • Death Trap is a book that deals with a custody situation turned deadly. 
  • M. William Phelps is working on season 2 of Paper Ghosts. 
  • M. William Phelps and Sara Jayne discuss the book, Where Monsters Hide
  • Is it hard not to judge people in these true crime stories? 
  • What is behind the serial rapists’ phone calls in Dark Minds?  
  • M. William Phelps wrote a...
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It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

blog Dec 27, 2020

For a few years I was very stressed by Christmas. It is the most wonderful time of the year but I was thinking it was the Most Wonderful Worst Time of Year. Where do we go? When do we go there? Who is feeling left out? What are we buying? What are we bringing? It seemed as if we were running non stop for a few days, presents were being opened left and right and then there is the awkwardness when your kid just wants to open gift after gift and doesn't acknowledge what they just opened. I know it isn't intentional, but the whole grateful aspect of the gift is lost. So, I would dread the holidays. Lots of running around and chaos. I love the days/weeks leading up to Christmas. The Christmas Story, the lights, the Hallmark movies, baking, Elf on the Shelf, Santa, the magic feeling in the air and especially how excited my kids are. I love it all. Just the actual celebrating days were what stressed me out. This year, I had a whole new outlook. It started out the same, stress and chaos....

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Episode 35: Hot Christmas Mess

podcast Dec 24, 2020

On this episode of the Fast Lane with Sara Jayne podcast, Sara Jayne talks to her husband Ryan Klein about his perspectives on celebrating the Christmas holiday, shopping for gifts, the roles that he plays in making their Christmas holiday special for their children and each other, and traditions that matter to them.


Episode Highlights: 

  • Sara Jayne introduces her guest and husband, Ryan Klein. 
  • Who does he normally have to buy Christmas gifts for?  
  • How much does he participate in the magic of Christmas? 
  • Would he participate in baking sugar cookies and popcorn balls? 
  • How does he feel about Christmas movies and Christmas traditions?  
  • What does he think his role in Christmas is? 
  • What are Ryan's favorite Christmas foods? 
  • How have Sara and Ryan split Christmas time with their family members? 
  • What is Ryan most excited about for Christmas this year? 
  • Ryan and Sara share a story about playing with Nerf toys with...
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Episode 34: Body and Emotion Code with Raylene ShortĀ 

podcast Dec 17, 2020

On this episode of the Fast Lane with Sara Jayne podcast, Sara Jayne talks to Raylene Short, a healing practitioner about dealing with Lyme disease, infections from tick bites, her work with body and emotion code, spiritual warfare, making medical choices, releasing traumas, and despair anchors. 


Episode Highlights: 

  • Sara Jayne introduces Reline, who shares her personal background.  
  • How did Raylene and her son deal with lyme disease? 
  • Did she know that she had been bitten by a tick? 
  • There are over 40 types of tick-related illnesses.  
  • What is ‘emotion code’ and ‘trapped emotions?’
  • Modern medicine is often a ‘one size fits all’ approach that never gets to the root of the problem.  
  • Spiritual warfare can occur during emotion code,  
  • Certain organs produce certain trapped emotions.  
  • What do patients need to start with fibromyalgia? 
  • Has Raylene worked with clients that...
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Why do we wait?

blog Dec 15, 2020

Why do we wait? What are we waiting for? It is interesting to me how people will have New Years Resolutions or goals for "When I turn 40," but they hesitate to make goals on a daily basis. Why not start on a Wednesday? Why do we say "Oh, I'll start on Monday," while we do whatever we want on the weekend. Why are we always waiting to start our diet, exercise, different habits, journaling, reading a book, learning something new? WHY DO WE WAIT?! At some point we won't be able to wait. Because it will be too late. We put off all the things for 'the right time.' Newsflash! There is no 'right time' for anything in life. Plus, 'the right time' is different for absolutely everyone.  I think about this topic a lot. Maybe part of it is because when I was younger my mom would try different diets but the weekends didn't count, but she was back at it on Monday. This was confusing to me because I didn't understand why it was all business Monday-Friday but the weekends was a different story....

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Episode 33: Bringing Teddy Roosevelt to Life with Joe Wiegand

podcast Dec 10, 2020

On this episode of the Fast Lane with Sara Jayne podcast, Sara Jayne talks to Joe Wiegand from Medora, North Dakota who plays the former United States president Theodore Roosevelt. Joe Wiegand talks about his life in comedy and politics, his transition to playing Roosevelt, and the beauty of being in Medora, North Dakota. 


Episode Highlights: 

  • Sara Jayne shares personal memories of spending time in Medora, North Dakota. 
  • What is it about Medora that fascinated Theodore Roosevelt? 
  • Joe Wiegand performs as the older version of Theodore Roosevelt. 
  • Joe’s father was a stand-up comedian for 45 years. 
  • Joe has been married for 33 years to his wife Jenny Cook Wiegand.  
  • What is some of the comedic material that Joe Wiegand has performed? 
  • How did he transition into playing Theodore Roosevelt? 
  • How has COVID-19 affected his performances? 
  • What are some of the outdoor opportunities in Medora? 
  • What is Joe...
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Episode 32: Unraveled: Addiction and Redemption with Author Tom Boldt

podcast Dec 03, 2020

On this episode of the Fast Lane with Sara Jayne podcast, Sara Jayne talks to Tom Boldt, the author of the book Unraveled: A Mother and Son Story of Addiction and Redemption that he wrote with his mother Laura Cook Boldt. Unraveled provides their personal mother and son stories of dealing with addiction as two people that both recovered from it. Tom Boldt opens up about near-death experiences under the influence that he survived, what he learned to overcome addiction, and the effects it had on his family and personal life. 


Episode Highlights: 

  • What is the book Unraveled about?  
  • How old was Tom when his mother became sober? 
  • Does being bullied tend to lead to addiction? 
  • What type of addictive tendencies did Tom Boldt have when he was growing up? 
  • Does his past experience with bullying worry him about sending a child to school?   
  • What was the experience like with panic attacks?   
  • When was the breaking point...
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Episode 31: Energy Healing and Vibing Higher with Serena James

podcast Nov 26, 2020

On this episode of the Fast Lane with Sara Jayne podcast, Sara Jayne talks to Serena James, a holistic healer and the author of the book Vibe Higher that delves into the concept of energy healing. Serena James opens up about her work as an energy healer, pendulum dowsing, aromatherapy, how energy frequencies affect us, what it means to be an empath, and the importance of energy healing in our daily lives. 


Episode Highlights: 

  • What exactly does Serena do? 
  • Serena James explains the impact of energy in our lives.  
  • What are typical feelings that people have after healing sessions? 
  • Are there some people that just make us feel bad when we are around them?  
  • What are people’s ideal frequencies?   
  • How do you know if you are an empath?   
  • Even objects have emotions and sometimes they need cleansing. 
  • What is aromatherapy? 
  • Essential oils have high vibration frequencies and take about 15...
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