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Episode 69: Understanding Narcissism with Christine Hammond

podcast Sep 16, 2021

Christine Hammond is a leading mental health influencer, author and guest speaker. As an author of the award winning “The Exhausted Woman’s Handbook,” and more than 500 articles, Christine has more than one million people downloading her podcast “Understanding Today’s Narcissist,” and more than 400,000 views on YouTube. Her practice specializes in treating families of abuse, and trauma, with personality disorders involved which is based on her own personal experience.

Her new book, Abuse Exposed: Identifying Family Secrets that Breed Dysfunction is available. Christine is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Qualified Supervisor by the State of Florida, a National Certified Counselor, Certified Family Trauma Professional, with extensive training in crisis intervention and peaceful resolution. Expertise: She specializes in psychotherapy with families in transition, trauma, personality disorders, and addictions. She provides family and individual therapy using evidence-based psychotherapy methodology. She provides Parenting Coordination, mediation, and functions as a collaborative mental health neutral.

Christine is available for counseling, consulting, and speaking. As a professional speaker, she has taught on personalities, personality disorders, stress, negotiation skills, anger management, boundaries, ADD/ADHD, marriages, parenting, and divorce. She is also available for parent coordination, the collaborative divorce process, and disruptive event management.

Christine has been married to her husband Michael, a local attorney, for over twenty years and has lived in the Orlando area for twenty plus years. They have a son in the military and two college age daughters.

She has blogs, articles, newsletters, videos, webinars, podcasts, masterclasses, and two books available through her website at Her blog has over 500 published articles. Her new book, Abuse Exposed: Identifying Family Secrets that Breed Dysfunction is available on Amazon. You can purchase her award-winning book, The Exhausted Woman’s Handbook and the companion workbook on Amazon. Her popular podcast with over one million downloads, Understanding Today’s Narcissist, is available on iTunes and Google Play Music. Her masterclasses on “How to Survive a Divorce with a Narcissist,” “Recovering from a Narcissistic Page 2 Relationship,” “Intentional Life Change,” “Accelerate the Divorce Process,” and “Abuse Exposed” are available on her website. She has been interviewed and a guest on TV, radio, and podcasts.

You can connect with Christine on Facebook, LinkedIn, or email at [email protected]. Her office, Psychological Affiliates, is in Winter Park, Florida. 

Christine is an experienced speaker for a variety of audiences. Some engagements include: “Understand Personality Disorders,” Florida Mental Health Licensure Services 2021 (6 CEs) “Decision Fatigue” Florida DRC Conference 2020 (2 CEs, CLEs) “Decision Fatigue: Factors that Impede Collaboration” FACP 2019 Conference Presenter (1.5 CEs, CLEs) “Negotiation with Narcissistic Personality Disorder” NADP 2019 Conference Presenter (1 CE, CLE) “Addiction: Narcissistic Style,” Acadia HealthCare training (1 CE) “Working with Narcissistic Personality Disorder” FMHCA 2018 Conference Presenter (2 CEs) “The Gifting of Borderline Personality Disorder” international webinar for PsychCentral and University Behavioral Center (2CEs) “How to Survive a Divorce with a Narcissist” live webinar (4 one-hour sessions) "How to Keep from going Crazy when Dealing with a Narcissist" live webinar “Narcissism and Borderline Personality Disorders” training for counselors (6 CEs) “Understanding Narcissism” guest speaker at Mental Health Counselors of Central Florida (1 CE) “Co-parenting after a Divorce” guest speaker at MPR News “What Does Postpartum Depression Feel Like?” guest speaker for PsychCentral Show “Treating Narcissism: Is It Actually Possible” guest speaker for Mental Health News Radio “How to Find Freedom from Exhaustion” webinar for James Madison University “How to Survive Working with a Narcissist and Gain the Upper Hand” international webinar for PsychCentral “Marriage Myths: Time Heals All Wounds,” Journey Church interview with the Pastor. “The Exhausted Woman,” all-day women’s conference for First Baptist Windermere. “Practical Communication in Marriage,” Journey Church 4-week seminar. “Freedom from Exhaustion,” United Methodist Winter Park and Harvest Bible. “A Narcissist, Sociopath and Psychopath at Work…A Differential Analysis,” 3 CEs at University Behavioral Center. “Couples College 101,” marriage seminar at First United Methodist Church. “Will the Narcissists in the Room Please Stand Up,” 3 CEs at University Behavioral Center. “Understanding Personality Disorders, The Difference between Normal and Abnormal” 2 CLEs mediation training. “Personality Types and Effective Communication,” speaker for Florida Hospital. “How to Negotiate Effectively,” Featured speaker for a woman's conference.


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